Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Water, Water, Everywhere, but wait...

Forget variety. Mistakes are the spice of life. As I was rinsing dishes today shortly after preparing dinner in the crock-pot, the steady stream of water from the faucet slowly decreased to nothing. I was thinking the fire dept. must be testing the hydrants again, but just as I saw the look on Shaun's face after he checked our water source outside, it hit me. I had neglected to pay the water bill. Harnett County Public Utilities does not look kindly on this sort of delinquency. Just like that, no water. I had to look back over the course of the morning and evaluate decisions made in a new light. I recalled the pot of coffee Shaun had brewed, so tired that he forgot to include any coffee grounds in the filter. I'm not sure if he poured that pot out or recycled the water. It doesn't matter now. Not five minutes before the water went away, I had poured almost an entire gallon of store-bought water into the Keurig...so it would be ready for the cup of coffee I would want TOMORROW. Oh, and let's not forget the shower I had chosen not to take when I got up because I wanted to wait until the kids were napping. Or the choice to not brush my teeth because I had just chewed up a Flintstones vitamin. Yes, I take Flintstones vitamins. Just as these thoughts were finished flitting through my brain, I heard Seth say, "Mommy, I need to poop." Beautiful. What is it with this kid and the timing of his bowel movements? At any rate, our relationship with the water company was rectified quickly, but our water was not turned back on until late in the afternoon. I felt cleaner than ever after that shower. Ah, how we Americans take luxuries like water for granted.

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