Saturday, October 3, 2009

Frozen Peas

It's finally Saturday, and I am so glad that Shaun is home. He is outside working on the fence with Seth "working" hard alongside him. Brady is sleeping for now, and here I am wasting a perfectly good time to take a shower. I was so glad to wake up to a clean house this morning even though I wasn't sure if it was worth my efforts last night. I felt like such a failure as a mom yesterday for choosing cleaning the house over playing with Seth in the yard. It's a dilemma I face every day. I don't know what the answer is. At any rate, this morning, the house was clean, and that was a nice start to the weekend for me. With my spare time this morning, I decided to attempt making and freezing baby food. I have no idea what I am doing, but I would love to be one of those coupon-clipping, baby food making, cloth-diaper changing (just kidding on that one) moms. I don't know if it really would save me much money, but every little bit helps, right? So, I boiled and liquefied some frozen peas this morning. I had been saving baby food jars to put my homemade food in, but as I was about to put them in the freezer, I wondered if this was the best container to use in the freezer. I have no idea, really, and I didn't have a Plan B, so I just went ahead with it. If it doesn't work, then I guess I will know soon enough. If anyone has any advice, please feel free to share.

1 comment:

  1. It didn't matter how I froze them anyway. I couldn't get them ground up fine enough, and Brady gagged upon tasting them. Oh, well. If at first you don't succeed...
